Milwaukee's 'Succession' election scenario

Milwaukee's 'Succession' election scenario

Now to one of the hottest shows on TV. Right now it is HBO's Succession. So we have no spoilers here, but in the latest episode, Sunday night, Milwaukee takes center stage in the presidential election. So if it happened in Milwaukee, and if it's deliberate, then it's manganese, no? False flag could be. You can't just say false flag. In like 1960, in year 2000, 2016, these unbelievably close election moments kind of keep on coming in the US. So it felt legitimate to have to have another one.

In the episode of Milwaukee County, vote count location is on fire. 100,000 absentee ballots are destroyed, putting the entire election in question. A lot of people have been talking about this episode, one of those people, and Jacob, she's a member of the Wisconsin Elections Commission. She was tuned in to the episode, everyone is talking about and you even, and posted a Twitter thread on Monday about the episode. Share with our viewers what the show writers got correct and what they kind of took liberty with in their scripting. I thought that the show writers did a very good job of getting a lot of the details about how Wisconsin elections work and how central count here in Milwaukee would work. The one thing that I thought they didn't quite get right is in the show, they said that they couldn't know who had successfully mailed in or submitted their absentee ballots.

And that's just not quite true. Here in Wisconsin, our clerks like the city of Milwaukee clerk are able to scan in the barcodes of all the absentee ballot envelopes that are received. And they do that, and then it immediately goes into the computer system, the statewide computer system. So we know whose ballots have arrived pretty quickly after they come in. So that was one thing they got wrong. And it sort of plays into their plot, which is we have no idea whose ballots they are. We really would know whose ballots had burned up.

This episode, definitely a talker. Just if it were a real life situation, what would happen if this actually happened? Terrific question and everybody's asking it. And the reason nobody's answering it is really nobody knows. We would have court case after court case. We would be in state court. We would be in federal court. My suspicion is we would wind up with some sort of amended deadline for resubmitting ballots or allowing people to vote.

That certainly would be my hope because if this were to happen, what you wouldn't want to see is 100,000 people completely disenfranchised. I think that would be the worst possible outcome. But do we know? Nobody knows. And I hope we never find out. All right, and Jacob's some good information and insight on how the process works and what's real and what's fiction in a really popular fictional drama. And thank you so much for your time this afternoon. Thank you.

Ann Jacobs, Drama, HBO, HBO Max, MKE on Succession, Milwaukee, Milwaukee and Succession, Milwaukee election fire, Milwaukee on Succession, Succession, Succession and Milwaukee, Succession election fire, Sunday episode, WISN 12 News, Wisconsin Elections Commission, absentee ballots, ballots, ballots scanned, barcode, election, election disaster, elections officials, fire, latest Succession episode, scripted

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