Eta Aquarids Meteor

Eta Aquarids Meteor

Hey everyone, I'm meteorologist Mark Collins. So what happens when the earth passes through debris left by a comet? Well, sometimes it can light up the sky with meteors, and that's what we are going to see Late Friday night into early Saturday morning. The Ada Aquarius meteor shower is going to be taking place where it peaks You'll probably want to take a look after midnight Friday and during the predawn hours I wrote an article on news for jacks about this. You can click on the news for jacks website for more details On how to view it the problem is we're going to be dealing with a full moon So I think the moon is it sunsets about like seven oh six So that's after the sun rise So that moon is going to be up for the evening, but it will be lower in the horizon after two a.m So that will probably be a better chance and you'll want to look to the southern sky And you'll probably be able to see 10 possibly up to 20 meteors Zipping by so let your eyes adjust lay on your back and just have patience If you're a nightcrawler and you can stay up late or just set the alarm and maybe get up a little bit earlier on Sunday morning So enjoy the weekend. We'll have some pretty good weather for stargazing and hope to see you on news for And on tv on channel 4 the local station.

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