3 dead, 6 injured in 'random' New Mexico shooting

3 dead, 6 injured in 'random' New Mexico shooting

But we do begin tonight with news on the deadly mass shooting in New Mexico. Authorities have now revealed the gunman was an 18 year old senior in high school with an assault style weapon. Three weapons and all the AR style weapon purchased legally last year. At least three people killed six others shot and wounded including two police officers. The suspect shot and killed by police. They say he appeared to shoot at cars and homes at random. At least 150 rounds found at the scene.

It stretched across a quarter of a mile. The suspect seen in this video walking in a nearby yard with a firearm in his hand. The mother of a one year old finding this gunshot hole in her daughter's bedroom window. The two of them had been hiding in their laundry room. Neighbors holding a vigil now. All three who were killed were seniors including a 97 year old mother and her 73 year old daughter. ABC's Mola Lenge on the scene in Farmington, New Mexico tonight.

Tonight authorities in New Mexico searching for what motivated an 18 year old high school senior. Seed here dressed in all black holding a gun to go on a deadly shooting rampage. Late today officials identifying that suspect as Bo Wilson. This incident appears to be purely random. The suspect then roamed through the neighborhood and indiscriminately fired at at least six houses and three vehicles. The horror unfolding in Farmington Monday. The first calls of an active shooter coming in around 10 56 a.

m. The scene spanning a quarter of a mile. Authorities saying the shooter used three guns in the attack including an assault style rifle that he purchased legally last year. I got several people down. I got three vehicles in there. I got three people in there dead. Authorities saying officers quickly arrived on scene shooting and killing the suspect 10 minutes after the first 911 calls.

Three people killed at least six more injured including two officers. High school senior Callie Kimball was home and says she saw the gunman walking down the street opening fire. It was loud. It was scary. I kind of duck behind the window and ran to the front door so I could get out of harm's way. Authorities identifying the three elderly women killed including a 97 year old mother and her 73 year old daughter. We mourn the loss of our three innocent civilians who lost their lives yesterday.

Shirley Vojta. Melody Ivy. And Gwendolyn Schofield. And tonight Callie Kimball now preparing for graduation telling me her school community is in shock knowing one of her classmates was allegedly behind the attack. What's the mood like on campus today? Sad. Scared, like scared I guess you'd say. But it's also scary to think that if he would have had a different motive it could have been all of us out there on the field and him snapping like that.

Well police still investigating a motive here including the suspect's possible mental health issues. Investigators also combing through his online footprint but at this point they say this shooting appears to have been purely random David. All right. Mola Lenghi in New Mexico leading us off. Mola, thank you. Hi everyone. George Stephanopoulos here.

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ABC, Farmington, Mexico, New, News, Tonight, World, gun, guns, mass, murder, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-99376177, shooting, shootings, violence

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