Woman at center of polyamorous trio speaks on life with husbands

Woman at center of polyamorous trio speaks on life with husbands

the next episode of the series. We'll be right back with another episode of the series. And welcome back to the factor on sensor. Thank you for joining us for the second half of the factor tonight. We're diving into the very fascinating world of Polly Amory, which we've done here before on the factor. You may have seen a lot of relationships where men have had multiple women on their arms. My next guests are flipping the switch a bit now.

Can you case Stevens is at the center of her life. I'm going to introduce you to two men, Tiger and Carl, and they will be sharing part of their lives on TLC's new series, seeking brother husband. They join me now in the studio, and of course, the premiere will be this Sunday. So explain to me what's going on here. Obviously these two ain't getting together. It's just you and you and you. And that's it.

Yes, they call this a Polly V. So I'm in the center and I'm with my husband, Carl. We've been together almost 30 years. We've been together for almost 10 years. So when you say husband, though, is that allowed? Is that allowed under the law? Or you're talking about spiritual husband one legal husband? The other. Yes, how does that work? This is my legal husband, and we added this husband by having a spiritual connection ceremony. Okay.

And so how did you guys come to this situation? Well, it's kind of complicated, but we had genuine feelings for the man. We had genuine feelings for the man. We had genuine feelings for the man. And so we said, Hey, I'm feeling some feelings of love for someone. She had the same thing. We talked about it. We said, Well, why don't we actually explore this and see where it leads? That's how that's how we got into it.

And how did you open your mind, though, as a husband as a man to that? Yeah, First I was close to it. So when she brought to me that she wanted to date other men and that she should listen, but she didn't say I want to leave you. No, no, no, I want to date other man just wanted to date. I mean, I'm not sure where does that come from? I've heard of polygyny. Yeah, but he wanted to have other women. He had said that when we first got married. So I knew that that was one of his goals.

And when it started to happen at year 12 of our marriage, I said, Well, I would like to get in on that too, you know, because I think it's just fair is fair. So year 12. What happened specifically so he came home? Yeah, he came home from work and just told me how he was having feelings for a woman at his job. And he was traveling a lot and they were traveling together. And so he just was honest about his work wife. And how do you bring that kind of honesty home? We just talked about everything. I mean, when she had feelings for someone else, you brought up to me.

We talked to our marriage councils about it. We just we were surprised in monogamy that you actually had feelings for other people after marriage. We didn't know that you started to fall that you could fall in love or have attractions outside of marriage. Right? So it was a surprise to us. We were kind of innocent or naive, I guess. Let's bring this guy into it. Go ahead.

Well, I met Tiger about 10 years ago. He was dressed as Tiger Woods on Halloween. And we had a nice dance and I just fell immediately for him. And I had to just introduce him to the fact that I am married and I introduced him to my husband and just to see if you know he would be down to be a part of our union. Needless to say, that was a shock for me because I was going to ask a big with a woman and finding out she's married. At first I'm like, no, she's to toe and like he's sneaking around and then I actually met Carl and it was like, okay, this is brothers. He's set your mind right.

Are you saying, okay, this is a setup? I'm gonna be robbed or something. At first when he walked through the door, yeah, I knew the fight was on, but he was very cordial. He introduced himself, shook my hand. I'm like, wow, this is so how did you wrap your mind around that because that's not what we expecting like it's not. And it took a while to wrap my mind around that at one point, Kay, and I just kind of fell off and then we got back together and it was a little back and forth. And then I realized that the traditional way that I've been dating, what we call serial monogamy, where I would get with somebody and then find somebody else. I'm breaking up with this person, get with the next person.

It just wasn't working. And so after seeing the connection that they had, Carl and Kenya have and discovering that, okay, with Carl's wisdom and ability to open up, there has to be something to this whole thing. And so I kind of, you know, entered into the fold and really grew as a person and we have the tools and the technology. We run a love Academy. We train couples all over the world in these technologies on how to do this lifestyle correctly and safely. And so do you guys like have a calendar or you like, okay, Kenya? We do have a Google calendar. We have a Google calendar because they both have other partners.

He has another wife. I, you know, they're in town off and on. And then I have other partners as well. So they have to have a calendar. But you know what? It's like being, but you guys are honest, but it's like being a cheater out there. But someone who is honest and I know what's going on. Here's what's going on.

So we won't have that friction. Yeah, these men will never be surprised by somebody. Next question is how do you explain it to family and friends who have closed minds? Tiger, let's begin with you. That's a really difficult conversation. It is a lot of work to try to get your family to wrap their minds around that. It's not an easy process, but that's where, you know, the progressive love Academy. Have to say with some.

Okay, whatever. I'm moving on. Yeah, you might have to say that you know, for each couple, it's going to be a different story. All right, Carl, how did you explain this to you? Obviously they knew you and and can you were married for years and then all of a sudden all of this is going on. Yeah, I mean, my parents are traditional, so they don't believe in like the polyamory and that kind of stuff. But they understood us. They saw us over time, like really working it out and they saw the benefit of what we were doing.

And over time, they kind of grew to accept it as our choice. How the hell is Thanksgiving look at this fabulous? Thanks. Really quick, tell us about the show where we can catch it and more details. You can see our show on TLC Network. It starts March 26th. That is Sunday night. And if you want to join us live, we having a gathering downtown on Eventbrite to watch the premiere of the show.

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