Team coverage: Stormy weather begins to roll into the Bay Area

Team coverage: Stormy weather begins to roll into the Bay Area

can't stress it enough. Take it very slow on the freeways. There's no telling how slippery any roadways and highways it can get. And hydroplaning is a real danger, and we've seen it so many times during these recent storms and Jocelyn Moran is actually headed to Pacifica for because of that earlier earthquake, but on your way there, I know you're checking the freeways and stuff Jocelyn. So how of things that are looking? You started off in 101 in the North Bay. Where are you at right now? Jenna, we are now on Highway 1. Like you mentioned, we're going toward Pacifica to see if we can talk to anybody who felt that earthquake.

We always know it can be very scary when you do feel an earthquake, so we're headed there now. As far as the roadways and the highways we were on 101, we were both northbound. We started going northbound then we went southbound where we were seeing a little bit more traffic. The rain will pick up and then it'll slow down and it'll pick up back again. And the roadways are definitely very wet if you are on 101 in the North Bay there. So definitely be extra careful. We did see some times where we had to slow down our speeds and the cars around us were slowing their speeds down understandably.

So we didn't see any flooding when we were there. We just got off Highway 101 about five minutes ago again now on Highway 1. It has stopped raining right now as you can see here in San Francisco, but again, we are expecting it to pick up in a little bit and as we mentioned, that's what we saw it would pick up and then slow down again. But you are still dealing with those wet and slippery roads out there again. So just be extra patient out there. John, like you mentioned again, we are going to be headed to Pacifica to see if we can talk to anyone who felt the earthquake there. I did get a few texts from people along the peninsula who did feel it.

And again, it can be very scary, so we're headed there right now. Jenna, yeah, Justin, my family was up this morning watching and sent me some messages when it happened as well as some neighbors. So hopefully everyone's doing OK with no damages or issues, but we'll check back with you in just a little bit. Thanks Amanda. Well, cruise across the Bay Area or watching problem spots as this morning's newest storm system is on the move. Last week, a mudslide in the North Bay buckled the roadway near Olimpoley State Park in Ibarro. Redwood Boulevard is still shut down.

Justin Andrews is live there now as crews were racing against the clock before today's storm. We've seen those crews actually out there all morning with you, Justin. Are they just closing off the road or what's going on? Well, yeah, man, the crews that you see behind me are just traffic enforcement, so they're not involved with PG&E. They're just literally blocking people from going up off in the distance here, where that buckled pavement is. But if we can go ahead and roll that video, I want to show you what we're talking about here because this is a major problem. Spot crews are watching because obviously with the rain coming down as it is right now, along with the wind, we're noticing that the ground is obviously saturated and they don't want the ground to become even more saturated and the land slides yet again. You're seeing the after effects of that hillside, just really sliding and buckling the pavement here on Redwood Boulevard.

Like you said, this is near that state park here as well, so the road is blocked off. Right now, we do know that overnight, around three o'clock this morning, crews basically let out some gas. They said you may smell it if you live in this area, but that gas, they say, is harmless. And that's because one of the gas lines was actually underneath that mud slide from Thursday, so they wanted to do this to basically mitigate any future problems with today's rainfall. So we're under the impression that they were able to do that this morning, but obviously now the concern is that that mud slide could come even further, making the buckled pavement even worse. Again, we don't know that for sure because we're not able to go up there to see what it looks like right now, but again, crews have been out here. At least they were earlier this morning, just really let going, releasing some of that gas to prevent future problems here, but the rain is coming down pretty relentlessly right now.

And as Jessica said, the winds are blowing too, so I don't know if you can notice, but on one side of me, you see full of rain. The other side is almost completely dry. That's because of rainfall is kind of falling at an angle and then you add the wind. Yeah, it's not favorable to be out here. And obviously, Jocelyn said the same thing, the roads are wet, so make sure you plan some extra time this morning if you absolutely have to be out here on the roads. I'll send it back to you. Well, Justin, thanks for showing us that perspective, and maybe your next life shot, just turn around a little bit and get the other side a little more dry.

All right, Justin, we'll talk to you again soon.

KPIX 5 News Morning

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