Fox News MOCKS French Retirement Age Protests

Fox News MOCKS French Retirement Age Protests

If you thought Fox News couldn't be any more out of touch or absurdly on the wrong side of any more issues, you would be dead wrong because they done did it again. Here's smarmy idiot Jesse Waters thoughts on the protests in France over their president raising the retirement age. Cops, war, abortion, Trump, you name it, we're on the streets. The French don't care about any of that doesn't get them out of bed. But the second you tell them they have to work, they do this. I ignore the fact that cops and Trump and abortion are really issues we have here. They're not French issues at the moment and so that's just a very stupid thing to say in general.

They obviously wouldn't be protesting that but the Smarm is about to go next level when he explains why he has disdain for those who don't want to have to work for the country. And that's why they're saying that they're not going to work for the country. And that's just for those who don't want to have to work more years of their lives away. So why are they burning their own country down? Well, it's because the president raised the retirement age from 62 to 64. Yeah, if you thought Marcia and accounts receivable hated her job, you've never met a Frenchman. They have a serious case of the Mondays. A serious case of the Mondays.

What an ass. I guess Jesse Waters is the one who's going to be the president of the country. Yes, I guess Jesse Waters thinks that people in this world do not work enough. The common man should happily work longer, more hours, more days, less time off to further line the pockets of the rich. Check out the rest of this clip. Also, the average Frenchman works five fewer weeks than we do and they want to nuke City Hall. Macron changed the rules without telling anybody.

But if anybody should be angry, it's all the 61 year olds out there, right? But they're not the ones throwing the bricks through the loop. It's all the 22 year olds. They have 40 more years of work anyway. And now they want to tip over the Eiffel Tower over, that's 42. It would be a satirical news show if it wasn't a real news show. These idiots in Fox News, it says Lip Petit and Tifa in their graphic and the guys holding a baguette mocking the fact that people are being asked to work longer saying they work five less weeks and thus the only opinion that makes any sense there is to say we wish we had that. We wish we could work less good for them for standing up for their own free time, their own lives, their own getting their time back.

Instead you mock it because they're French, what an idiotic simpleton point of view. That's just my thoughts, Cenk. Yeah, so first of all, he started with all these different reasons to protest, but the French won't get out of it for that. That's not true at all, the French protests about a lot of things including by the way, giant protests over the Iraq war that we started. And the French are famous for the barricades, okay? So they're definitely an over protesting, okay? But that's a minor part of it. I love this clip for two reasons. One, they don't realize that they just speak from a rich man's perspective.

So he doesn't view the protesters as, people like me who have to work longer because the rich want tax cuts or whatever it is, right? He views it as, now they won't work for us anymore. I need you to work for more years, okay? Get plenty of this, get back to work, okay? And what's wrong with work? I'm Jesse Waters, I get $10 million a year for spewing these smarmy opinions. Exactly, because he's representing the incredibly wealthy and that's the job of Fox News. But that's the second reason why I love it is like Fox News viewers, are you really at home going, yeah man, we should work more years? Wait, should we? The French are so terrible for protesting working. Wait, do I really want to work that many years? Do I really want my social security and Medicare that I paid into my whole life to come later? Wait, shouldn't I agree with these French guys? And then he says, the French work will have five weeks less on average than we do. The guy at home has got to be thinking, wait, how'd they do that? Okay, that sounds pretty good, I want to work five weeks less. They did that because they actually have a democracy and their representatives have to represent them.

We don't have a democracy, all of our politicians are bribed. But yet, Fox News populist never talks about that. Isn't it weird that they never talk about the bribery? Instead they go like, back to the mines if you're 62, 64. Here in America, the guys like Jesse Waters wants their retirement age now to be 70. That's what Republicans are pushing for, back to the mines for all of you. And probably a lot of Fox News audience was like, yes, back to the mines when I'm 69. Wait, what? Cenk, in the words of another hip-hop, can I kick it? The answer was yes.

Yes, you can. Thank you. I'm sorry about that. Jesse Waters' worst moments, I put them together. Are you ready? This guy is a giant douche. Called on people to ambush Dr. Fauci.

And he promised to promote the attack on Fox News. He interviewed Asian people in New York and asked them if they knew karate. He stuck a microphone in a homeless person's face and asked what drugs they liked. He made a sexual joke about how Ivanka Trump holds a microphone. And then surprisingly, he took a paid vacation. He said Donald Trump wanted to build a wall that was not racist. He is a disciple of Bill Riley, started out as a PA.

Trump loved him enough to grant him an interview on Air Force One. He says everything. Said terrorists are always Muslims, his words. Said the US was not founded on slavery. Said this country loves each and every life. It's odd. And on the street, he asked a black man, where's your dad? So let me just say, Jesse Waters is one of the worst bad faith actors.

And there are plenty at that network, but he does this all intentionally. So anytime you see him, just know the laundry list of poor behavior that he has had prior to this, until we show another diabolical clip of his. Yeah, the main point of Jesse Waters is to make fun of minorities and have the Fox News audience think that that's hilarious. Like, hey, it's a people karate. Black people, they don't know they're not. That's so funny. I love racism.

Said the Fox News audience, prove me wrong. Say, hey, we're Republicans, and we're not racist. And this Jesse Waters guy really bothers us. We're Republicans. We don't want to work till we're 70. We want to have five weeks off like the French do, five weeks extra. Why don't we have politicians that represent us? Get Jesse Waters off there.

None of you are going to do that because you like what he's saying. Okay, prove me wrong. That's it.

230324__TB03Watters, News, Politics, TYT, The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, Progressive, TYT Network, Ana Kasparian, political establishment, John Iadarola, Breaking News, 2020, Election 2020, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, 2020 Election Results, Biden, Trump, 2022 election, 2024 election, 2024, Jesse Watters, fox news Jesse Watters, fox news france, fox news french protest, french retirement age protest, french protest macron

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