ASU's Léon Marchand swims fastest 100 breast relay split in NCAA history

ASU's Léon Marchand swims fastest 100 breast relay split in NCAA history

opportunity for a team like Cal and they lead off of Lasca who got third in the Hunter-Baxville. Top three finishers in the Hunter-Baxville. Did we really go about 45 seconds talking about this time file and not talk about Arizona State and Cal? This is huge for the team, Riggs. Yeah, no question about it. How close they are. Lasca leads off for Cal going for it. He's one, fourth, fifth, and second so far individual.

Tough to beat. Nobody can match that. And McDuff who's anchoring just a sophomore. Well, he's 18th in the 50 and the 200. So even though that's a, you feel like that's a low finish, his sweet spot right there is in the Hunter. Going to be tough to beat them. Shanie opening things up for Florian and Lane.

Florian is off to a bit of a slow start. Going blasted out like a rock and Florian is doing three along with Kasper Stakowski of NC State. Kostakowski was runner up to Brendan Burns. Watched Brendan Burns right there for Indiana. He's not going anywhere. Lasco up there toward the top with that yellow cap and Lane's seven. Top three all.

Looks like it's going to do it again. Stakowski, Burns, and Lasco bring it to the wall in the first hundred. 43-88-2 for Brendan Burns. I.U. with David Parchment. One, one hundredth of a second separates them.

Chaney came back well though and finished fourth there. He was 44-2. It's Reese Whitley to pull and Lane's two for Cal. Marseille is in three for ASU so it's sewing our eyes in on him. Oh yeah. Watch Marseille. Is it Marseille time again, Rowdy? 22-8 going out, buddy.

Let me tell you, that's the only guy that broke 23 going out. Hills was 23 flat. Matheny doing well. It's kind of state tethered to Marseille. Matheny at six for an hour. Look at this guy. There he goes.

What a monster. What a monster. But the deficit is manageable ASU with the lead by about three-tenths of the second. Max McCusker was headed for the fly leg before Arizona State. 49-2. 49-2 on Marseille. Fastest split in the history of the sport.

49-2. That's all. We're getting used to it. Liendo is in the water for Florida. Delmar Franco for Indiana. We'll see the kind of ground that Liendo can make up as Florida's pursuing NNCA championship. And a record.

Yeah, it looks like three teams right now, Patrick. Indiana, Florida looking at Liendo. Gators looking awfully good. Awfully top. What a leg by Liendo. McDuff is in the pool. The lead is four-tenths for the Gators.

42-9 on Liendo. How about that split? Rafael Miroslav for Indiana in second place. Trying to cool over Arizona State. Trying to hunt down McDuff with 50 yards to go. 259-22 is the record split. 259, I mean, it's the record time. 259-22.

Here comes McDuff. Final turn. Florida in the lead. Chasing down history. McDuff, the finalist couple of strokes. 258-32.

Arizona State, Men's Swimming & Diving, Pac-12 Conference, Léon Marchand

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