US teen girls experiencing record-high levels of sadness, violence, suicide risk: CDC | FOX 5 DC

US teen girls experiencing record-high levels of sadness, violence, suicide risk: CDC | FOX 5 DC

The topic number two concerning warning from the CDC teenage girls getting caught in quote an overwhelming wave of violence and trauma and all of this Joe goes back to levels of depression that are being seen in teenage girls sadness things that apparently we have never seen before you've got a preteen daughter this is not something that I imagine parents want to be hearing I don't want to hear this at all I am extremely concerned I saw a clip of some girls fighting another girl and then that girl ultimately took her own life so it scared the daylights out of me and I did not know this was part of a wave so I want to hear what Dr. Gray has to say. Okay let's go to Dr. Gray. Dr. Gray is psychologist at Children's National joining us again in the DMV zone good to see you Dr. Gray look we've had Congress saying for years now social media playing a huge role and that's the advent of this new generation that maybe we didn't have growing up clearly there's a nexus here there's got to be what are you seeing in the clinical setting.

Yeah I would say what we're seeing in the clinical setting really maps on to the statistics that the CDC released it is staggering though to read these numbers and the highest stress levels that are reported among our youth especially teen girls and we do think that there's a social media component to it that just increases or heightens some of the stressors that already exist for teen girls to have to navigate and certainly finding new avenues to provide the support that is needed is crucial at this time. Why does is there any indication of why this is more prevalent with girls than with boys is it just because explain it to me. Yeah some of our thoughts are that the social media piece tends to be more important to girls than it is to boys so that's one of the thoughts certainly we know that also there's just been an increase in substantial rates of anxiety or depressions since the pandemic so since we started off initially with the shutdowns this is has actually been an increasing wave and what we expect after we have an experience of a lot of loneliness is actually for the mental health consequences of that to last for years after that event. So that is beyond scary to hear that Dr. Laura Gray are unfortunately running out of time here with Children's National but we'll have you on because this is a conversation that will continue to happen and something needs to happen other than just medicine and addressing it needs to come from the house that's for sure.

dmv-zone, teen girls sadness, teen girls cdc

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