'The Biden IRS Army': GOP Lawmaker Slams The President Ahead of State Of The Union Speech

'The Biden IRS Army': GOP Lawmaker Slams The President Ahead of State Of The Union Speech

Zuri rise. I'm sorry. United's consent to revise and accept my remarks. Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Tonight, President Biden will give his address on the state of our union.

His version of the facts will sound wonderful, but stand in stark contrast to the true state of the union for many Americans today. Unmentioned in his speech will be the fact that over a third of American households have foregone basic expenses to afford their energy bill. The highest energy cost in 15 years. President Biden will say the state of our union is strong, but the American people know better. That's why Republicans in the House are following our commitment to America, a series of common-sense solutions to our most pressing issues. In just a few short weeks, House Republicans have used our new majority position to hold China accountable, defund the Biden IRS Army, protect our strategic petroleum reserve, and bring accountability to overreaching federal government agencies. When it comes to a union that is truly strong, House Republicans stand ready to deliver.

I yield back.

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