Sam Bankman-Fried Associate Nears Plea Deal

Sam Bankman-Fried Associate Nears Plea Deal

Now we want to bring you some breaking news. This is involving a top Sam Bankman Freed associate said to be nearing a plea deal in the probe of FTX. We're referring to Nishan Singh here, of course, one of the top engineers, former engineers, over at FTX and at one point, I believe, Shanali actually a roommate of Sam Bankman Freed as well. Of course, we know that Gary Wang and Caroline Ellison, of course, pleaded guilty last year, other charges in connection with their roles in the FTX scandal here and are cooperating with authorities. Now we're learning, according to people familiar with this situation, that Nishan Singh is said to be hammering out a deal as well. Yeah, the interesting thing, this is, of course, with the Southern District of New York, but you also have the CFTC and the SEC, according to Bloomberg's reporting, planning to sue Singh over his role over the scheme here. The question about the SDNY case to your point here is Gary Wang and Caroline Ellison had already pleaded guilty.

How does that help build the case for the prosecutors? Again, Sam Bankman Freed, these are the questions. Well, watch as this whole saga plays out. He did meet with them in January amid a limited immunity to provide more details to the Southern District.


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