President Biden to deliver State of the Union Address Tuesday

President Biden to deliver State of the Union Address Tuesday

On Tuesday, President Biden will deliver his state of the union address. He's expected to talk about lowering prescription drug costs, rebuilding infrastructure, and making a case for his reelection. If he decides to run for reelection, he hasn't formally announced that yet. Republican Governor of Arkansas Sarah Huckabee Sanders will deliver the GOP response. She was elected back in November. The first woman elected governor of that state. She said in a statement, she's thankful for the opportunity to quote, contrast the GOP's optimistic vision for the future of the failures of President Biden and the Democrats.

And a man from Colorado will be at the state of the union, Richard Fierro. He helps subdue the gunmen during the club queue shooting in Colorado Springs. He will be coming as a guest of Democratic Congressman from Colorado, Jason Crow. Before that address, Fierro will be part of a virtual discussion talking about gun safety measures.

[ nation-world, national-politics, news ]

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