DC street banner misspellings and 'Dilbert' creator's racist rant top the Great Day Morning mix

DC street banner misspellings and 'Dilbert' creator's racist rant top the Great Day Morning mix

OK, it's time now for our great day. Morning mix fans of the comic strip Dilbert will have to find their laughs elsewhere. Global media company Andrews McMeal Universal cut ties with the cartoonist Scott Adams following his recent social media commentary on race relations in America. Adams was responding to a poll asking black Americans if they agreed with a statement quote. It's OK to be white. The poll said just over half of the respondents agreed with the statement. Now Adams decided that made black people a hate group and he said this.

And I don't want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, you know, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. Adams failed to acknowledge that the phrase it's OK to be white was actually popularized by the white nationalist online and is often used to troll people. Newspapers across the U. S. Including the Washington Post drop the Dilbert cartoon in response to his comments. Adam said on Twitter, Adam said, excuse me, on Twitter that he was only quote advising people to avoid hate and suggested free speech in America is under assault.

He was basically saying like the response from African Americans makes them a hate group. And so then he said as white people, we should avoid them, you know, as a as a hate group kind of thing. The whole thing is just like what's not the solution to this. It's not the solution. And and you know, we're gonna see a lot of this more coming out to the talk about free speech. Is it under attack? Has he had a book deal coming out? That's been dropped. The of course, comics have been dropped after 30 years and whatnot.

Hundreds of newspapers across the country. Everyone's having the same reaction. Yes, it just didn't make sense. What he said, what he ignored as we said at the end where this phrase even comes from back in 2017. It has a long history of being tied to white supremacist. And when you ignore that fact of being out there with the poll, then you're just ignoring truly the facts of what was behind that poll to start with and then also encouraging people to spread more hate, right? You're saying this is a hate group. What are you telling people to do by telling them to not get along and just avoid each other? It's a very good point.

Terrible. We'll leave it at that. Okay, I know we all need a little bit of a laugh to start our Tuesday. So you might have seen this by now on social media feeds. Banners along Massachusetts Avenue in northwest DC. Yes, you're reading that right. Massachusetts is missing the last S.

So we reached out to the Mount Vernon Trial Community Improvement District. The president tells us while the information they sent to the printers spelled Massachusetts correctly, the misspelling happened sometime during the digitization process as the banners were being made. Those misspelled banners made it through the production process and we're still installed and nobody caught it. At last check, the signs are still there. So yes, you may have been right at the top end, but who's putting these up and realizing and like noticing that it does. Yeah, I want to criticize them, but that is something I would do right now. We've all done that right.

I'd be like, All right, I just need to hang this. Okay, moving on and not even look at what it says. I can totally see how that happens, but mom brain is a real thing. We all do. I mean, especially something a project you've worked on. I mean, how many times have we gone through scripts and there's still misspellings are still because right your eye is just not catching right. You know what it says.

Yeah, it's just so funny that they're like public signs. That was a good laugh for today. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Massachusets. Yeah. Massachusets.

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